Covid Q & A
Will the children be socially distanced?
Yes, all classes will be socially distanced due to the fact we have small class numbers and a large space to dance in so can easily do this. For Pre-Primary students their props will already be set out for them in their allocated dancing areas and will be cleaned before and after their classes. Everyone else will be socially distanced and no props are used. 
What items can I bring to the studios?
Please come already dressed for your classes and bring minimal additional items. Your belongings will be placed at the side of the studio next to your designated area.  * Please note, we cannot keep hold of any lost property 
Can I use the toilets? Yes, these will be open but will be on a one in one out use to allow for social distancing and cleaning 
Do I need to wear a mask? No- given that our students will be walking straight in to the studio, in line with government rules they will not be required to wear a mask for their classes.  – Any parent/guardian that enters the halls MUST wear a mask and remain socially distanced at all times.
How will you keep record of who is attending the classes for track and trace?
As always, we will be taking a register at the start of each class and will have your details in our system from your online registration to our classes, so we can easily contact you and if needs pass this information on to track and trace. 
How will you manage a student who becomes unwell during class time?
We will contact the parent / guardian immediately to ensure they can be collected ASAP. A mask will be provided for them. 
Have you completed a risk assessment for the studios regarding COVID19?
Yes we have and we are satisfied that it meets requirements. A link to it can be found on our COVID19 tab.  
What happens if classes do need to be stopped again in the future?
We will simply switch over to Zoom following the exact same timetable to ensure continuity of our classes. For any students who aren’t able to use zoom from home we will look into recording the teacher on the zoom class and sharing this with them, please contact Miss Georgina directly regarding this if this occasion arrises. 
How do I pay for my classes this term?
Once you have signed up, you will receive your term invoice. You will have 2 weeks to complete payment for this unless any other payment method has been agreed with you and the principal. The academy has taken a huge hit during COVID19 and we are struggling to continue. We ask for your support in prompt payment in order for us to continue to run our classes.

When should / shouldn’t a student attend classes at GWDA and what will happen if there is a POSITIVE COVID test result at our academy?

1. If there is a CONFIRMED case in our dance academy we will phone PHE and ask their advice and guidance. Due to us having social distancing in place it will be up to them to make the decision if the class bubble and teacher will need to isolate. If this was the case, classes will immediately switch to zoom. 

2. If your child is sent home from school because there is a confirmed case in their school bubble and told they must isolate for 10-14 days they CANNOT come to our classes during this time, even if they have no symptoms. 

3. If one of our student’s siblings / household member is isolating under the advice of Track and Trace or their school, and remains well with no symptoms, the student IS allowed to attend our classes.

4. If someone in your household (NOT one of our students directly) has a POSITIVE test but our student remains symptomless we do NOT need to close down our dance class bubble. This is because ourselves and the other students are SECONDARY contacts. The student in question however, will have to isolate with their household and NOT attend classes with us. 

5. If a student attending our class has SYMPTOMS but no positive test, we can keep our class running until we know the results of the test. Obviously, the student with symptoms cannot attend while awaiting test results.

6. If someone in the household with one of our students has SYMPTOMS, we ask for you to isolate and NOT ATTEND our classes until you know the outcome of the test.

7. To explain our teacher / class set up’s in case of a positive result at our academy:

Bubble A is taught by Teacher A. If one student in bubble A tests positive for COVID19, that student, bubble A and teacher A have to isolate and our classes will switch to zoom.

Teacher A also taught bubble B & bubble C etc … These bubbles are counted as ‘SECONDARY’ contacts and do NOT have to isolate. Obviously a replacement teacher will teach the lessons whilst Teacher A isolates, or, if this is not possible classes will switch to Zoom. 

8. Finally- DO NOT attend our classes if our student or their household have travelled outside of the UK within the last 14 days to countries not included in the ‘safe to travel’ corridors list as currently dictated by the UK government.

9. A reminder of CORONA virus symptoms:

-A high temperature

– A new, continuous cough

– The loss or change of sense of taste or smell